Getting on my way ~
Checked into a nice hotel in Taipei and had to get to the airport at 5:30 am because I was wait-listed for the flight to Cambodia. I couldn't get a reservation for three days. I woke up, felt 90% better but then started to get really uptight. I was thinking about how expensive this hotel was going to be and how much I wanted to get my trip started. That's when lesson 1B kicked in. I've heard this before (mostly from quotes on Facebook and from my mother) but this morning I took it to heart. You can't control your circumstances. You can prepare as best you can, but then you can only control how you respond to those circumstances. So I decided that I wouldn't worry about the wait-list. If I made it great, if not, I could spend a few days in the Taipei airport and be like that Tom Hanks character that lives in the airport. I had to remind myself a few times, but I went with the flow. I had a charming young man help me get a seat, then helped me race through security and customs to just make it on the plane, and my luggage (which I hadn't seen in 24 hours) made it too!
You can only control how you respond to your circumstances.
I checked into my apartment and homesickness in sinking in. I know it'll be ok in a few days but it is crazy here!!! Hot as anything and they mean it when they say don't wear sleeveless shirts. I tried to go for a walk but too many people staring and calling out made me retreat back early - that and the roads are really not walkable. I thought I was prepared but this is worse than Thailand! I hope this video clip captures the atmosphere! On to Cambodian Children's Fund tomorrow:))))