Angkor Wat
The 4 hour mini-bus trip to Siem Reap (that actually took 6 hours) was treacherous, long, smelly and awful. The only thing that made me feel better was that I wasn't jammed in the back 8 seats with the other 16 people. I went later than Kyle and Herrie because, well, we ate at Happy Herb Pizza the day before which became an event in and of itself. More of a story to tell in person;) Suffice it to say that we lost a day but they rallied first and took an earlier long, smelly and awful bus ride. Fortunately, Siem Reap is really a very colorful pretty town. Here's a picture of the restaurant area. Lots of happy tourists and lots to eat, drink and buy.

If you are interested in the jungle sounds here's a short video clip I made. This is where Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was filmed.
I really did feel badly of the little boy but we were also concerned that we'd get whatever he was violently ill with. Since we are leaving in a couple of days we especially don't want to come down with some toxic virus. Oh - and this 6 hour ride…9 hours and 15 minutes. So yes - Angkor Wat is incredible. But next time I think I'd fly there, or take a boat, anything but a bus! Interesting feeling I had returning to Phnom Penh. Definitely not pretty like Siem Reap or as tourist friendly but today, walking around town, I felt like I was back home. And while arriving home is always a great feeling, here, it feels like a great accomplishment as well.
Pictures of our day...
If you are interested in the jungle sounds here's a short video clip I made. This is where Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was filmed.
Just to keep it real I need to describe the trip back. Kyle was pretty insistent we take a big bus so we paid all of $6 each for the "six hour" coach ride back. Well it was the local which meant we had to make many stops for people, big bundles of rice, coconuts and various other loads. I am truly disappointed no chickens were running down the aisle. Of course they would have had a challenge because the aisle was jam packed with people sitting on little plastic stools. Between Kyle and me was a family squeezed onto these little chairs with two sick children. The poor kids sat and alternated between sleeping and vomiting. And in case you think I'm exaggerating…

Be it ever so humble ~
This woman had the most infections laugh... |
Prepping frogs. |
These chickens were being processed and sold. Right here - can't get much fresher. And I'm still a vegetarian. |
~ There's no place like home ~