Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Holy Monk Day!

I just found out that last Sunday was monk day.  Monk Day.  MONK DAY!!!  And I missed it.  No one can tell me exactly what Monk Day is, so I don't think I missed much.  I thought that perhaps, similar to our Presidents' Day it might just involve a sale on saffron sheets ~ but still... Monk Day.  Yes I continue to be obsessed, and in case you think I'm exaggerating...

I will be going to Angkor Wat in a couple of weeks with Kyle and Herrie so I looked into signing up for a Photography Tour while there.  I sent an email to a photographer and this was part of the email response I received from her, "we can explore the outlying villages in a tuk tuk, visit some city pagodas and wats, practice some sunset photography and I know a few very kind monks and nuns who would be happy to pose for us."

See that last line!  Zip-a-dee-do-daa - I'm going to be in Monk heaven.(Well I think technically that would be Monk Nirvana -right?  But you get the idea.)  I can't wait!  And in order to get ready for that photo workshop I'm taking one here in Phnom Penh this Saturday.  Can never be TOO prepared.  Hope to see a difference in my photography next week.