"You weren't born a person of cringe and contraction. You were born as energy, as life, made of the same stuff as stars, blossoms, breezes." ~ Annie Lamott
This was a quote posted on Facebook by my good friend Margot Page and it fits this heartwarming video. He. Is. Adorable!
I was early to class and had some speakers with me which inspired Mr. Bustamove. After he finished he took a look at me, as I was melting in the heat and ran and got a fan. Three boys then got to work to plug it in and aim it directly at me. I am in love with these kids. They keep me after class asking for more English help and practicing what they know. How will I leave? That question is beginning to grow louder with each passing day. I am meeting today with the Director of the Sponsorship Program. Can't wait to find out more.