"Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. " ~ Dr. Seuss
I left class and wandered down the street to the Cambodian Children's Fund Community Center and Lordy day what a celebration! Today was the day the Student of the Year awards were being announced and presented. Families were EVERYWHERE. Handmade signs were being held to identify the different school "campuses".
Look at these crowds. The students ranged from age five through seniors in high school and all were jubilant and in high celebratory spirits, cheering loudly for each other.

And - guess who found me - in that crowd! I felt a gentle tap on the shoulder and there he was. My needle in the haystack!!! I asked him to write down his name for me. Which took a lot of charade-like antics because he really doesn't understand English. And I grabbed some scrap paper and marker. So now I have this picture and his name. I'm making progress!