It was a good day~
Here is Ba-dun greeting me today, my last day before I start my real work. As I settled into the TukTuk I casually watched the usual merging into traffic. We begin by turning onto the wrong side of the road and then, drive down the street (yes - into the middle of oncoming traffic) weaving around other TukTuks, mopeds, trucks, cars, bicycles, people selling - well everything from fruit to carseats (not childrens's seats, actual car seats) eventually getting to our side of the road. Gives a new meaning to "merging". What makes this safer is the fact that there are no less than a dozen other vehicles of all types doing exactly the same thing all around us. Today was the first day I took it all in stride. It was like that all day.
I can't figure out who stops in the middle of the road to buy juice! Or maybe it's soup. Who knows. This idea is worse than the firemen's boot change drop. |
Gloria and Kerry, I think I found us a biking buddy. |
Interesting how quickly we can adapt to our surroundings. I set myself up comfortably in my now-favorite coffee shop for a few hours to catch up on my Stratton work then called for my trusty side-kick who delivered me to the grocery store. Lucky's was in a large, insane mall. This area was total chaos, with thousands of mopeds milling around and three different DJ's with huge loudspeakers blaring different music. Like some drug trip gone bad. (Well I guess all drug trips are bad) I wandered through stress-free and I thought about how, only a few days ago, I blanched at the thought of this excursion. Some interesting finds:
Mixed Galangal anyone? Only 50 cents |
White duck eggs, ok, but bright pink ones. And black. Wonder what the duck look like who laid these Hello Kitty babies! |
I got my supplies, including what is hopefully laundry soap and not toilet bowl cleaner. I truly couldn't tell the difference. I calmly sauntered out past the wild crazies, just as cool as a cucumber (well as cool as a cucumber can be when it's a heat index of like 140 degrees!) I barely recognized myself. I was never this daring before.
I think that the type of courage you need to be adventurous is like a muscle. The more you flex it the stronger it becomes, because before last week I NEVER would have believed I could be adapting to this so quickly. It feels good to know that resiliency is something you can instill in yourself. It feels empowering to conquer a fear. Even if that fear is going to a restaurant alone. As I sat in The Elephant Bar in The Raffles Hotel this evening drinking my Pim's Cup and reading a book, I was thankful for this new-found courage. So go flex some chutzpah muscle. It is so worth it!
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