Saturday, November 16, 2013

"To eat, or not to eat.  That is the question."

Appetizer before dinner.  Herrie talks about all the unusual things she's
willing to eat.  Scorpions?  I asked the waiter what they taste like.
You though he was going to say chicken right?  Nope.  Evidently
 they taste like crickets.  Who knew?

The many faces of Herrie trying to get up the nerve to taste them.



 They proved too much of a challenge.  How's this for a photo op!

Yup - tastes like crickets - I guess.  After this pic we donated our appetizer to another
table so they could recoil in disgust and take pictures.  We did watch one man eat one…

Much happier with a drink from the Raffles Hotel!

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